Let hackers do

what they do best

Our platform enables our ethical hackers to focus on the security analysis of your digital assets. Save time on project management and repetitive tasks. With our intuitive dashboard, you have all the information you need right in front of you: current tests, past tests and reports at a glance. You’re in control of the pentesting process. Request (re)tests, follow the process, share information and get alerts of critical findings.


Our platform has been optimized

for the best user experience
Transparent workflow

See when a pentest is scheduled, who is testing, how the test is executed, in what stage the test is and what the findings of a test are.

DevOps integration

Easily integrate our workflow into your DevOps process. Send tickets with bugs and fixes to Github, Jira and so on.

Higher quality

Automated tests combined with hands-on testing using smart checklists guarantee a higher quality than regular pentesting.

Custom reports

Generate custom reports for stakeholders besides the standard Hacksclusive compliance report(s), like a specific customer, supplier or regulator.

Realtime statistics

Learn from your tests. See if teams have certain pitfalls or compare results with other organisations in the same business.

You are in control!

Data and reports in our platform are yours. They are conveniently stored in a secure and accessible location.

Customers protected
Vulnerabilities discovered
Lines of code made safe
Atmosphere impression of Groningen by night

Get a demo
with our of our experts

Gain a deeper understanding of our exceptional platform by requesting a demo. This opportunity will allow you to witness firsthand the transformative power and immense value that our platform can bring to your business.